Here it is August 18, 2013 and it suddenly dawned on me I have been negligent in doing a new blog! Holy Cow! I am usually much better at sharing Chubby's Dolphin Tales, however, this month has just slipped away, almost into oblivion!
I would like to take an opportunity to thank all the folks who have made August the best month since we began Chubby's Tropical Adventure a few months back. I was actually thinking August would be a wash and yet here we are with such good trips and great customers.
From fishing charters, sunset tours, shelling cruises and of course the great DOLPHIN TOURS we have filled our month and enjoyed our days.
I am the luckiest person in the world to be able to make my living doing what I love to do and that is be on the water with my friends the animals and the people who want to come and experience the nature of our area.
Although the water has been quiet messed up from the fresh water discharge from Lake Okeechobee we still are doing quite well with fishing, even though we have to move around and find them a lot. It's still a doable thing and we are having fun.
The dolphins have been wonderful and we never go out without being entertained by those beautiful creatures. I know if nothing else these guys will give us thrills and joy as we watch them jumping in the wake and enjoying our company!
I feel a little guilty because I whizzed by the Fish Tale Marina tour boat "Estero Bay Express" and got a nice pod to jump in our wake but I confess it was not on purpose. I was watching the boat along the mangroves and hoping to see the dolphins and share them with my customers when all of a sudden I saw them in the main channel and then I could not help but make them a part of the show. Captain Bob I believe was piloting the boat and he pulled up right along side of Chubby's and gave his folks a view of what these creatures do best. Captain Bob, I would not do that on purpose but I can't slight the boys and girls of the pod when they so much want to jump so forgive me this time!
By the way if you want to rent a great pontoon boat or a power boat you must check out Fish Tale Marina the next time you are in our area. They have the best selection!
Anyway, this month is passing us by so don't wait too long to book your Dolphin, Shelling, Sunset or Fishing Charter with We can always be reached at 239-233-6639 or at!
Come and have a ball with us!